Unexpected Absence
If your daughter is unexpectedly absent, for example because of illness, emergency dental appointment or bereavement:
- Please email as early as possible, preferably before 9.00 am to absence@cchs.co.uk or sixthformattendance@cchs.co.uk for sixth form students with your daughter’s full name and form with details of the reason for absence.
- If you are unable to email, please telephone the main school number on 01245 352592 and leave a message on the main school absence answer phone (by pressing 1 at the switchboard) or the Sixth Form absence answer phone (by pressing 2 at the switchboard). Please ensure that your daughter has a letter to hand to her form tutor if you have only been able to leave a telephone message.
- If the absence continues, please contact the school each day with updated information.
Students who have sickness and/or diarrhoea should remain off school for a period of 48 hours from the last time they were unwell. For further advice, please see the NHS advice on this link: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/diarrhoea-and-vomiting/
Planned Appointments
If your daughter has a pre-arranged appointment (for example, a medical appointment or music examination) which will result in her missing less than a whole day from school, please send a letter in advance addressed to your daughter’s form tutor or email absence@cchs.co.uk or sixthformattendance@cchs.co.uk for sixth form students with your daughter’s full name and form with details of the reason for absence. Students will need to sign in or out of school at the Main Office when they attend appointments during the school day.
Please note: in the interest of student safety, all students in years 7-11 should be accompanied by an appropriate adult when leaving the school early for an appointment.
Leave of Absence Requests
If you wish to apply for your daughter to miss a whole day or more from school for any reason, please complete and return the Leave of Absence form below at least two weeks in advance of the proposed absence. Please give as much supporting information as possible. You should be aware that the Headteacher is unable to grant requests for Leave of Absence unless there are “exceptional circumstances” in line with the Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations from the Department for Education.
Please note that you can use the SIMS Parent App to change/update medical details/consent for paracetamol etc.