We have a robust reading strategy, led on by our English Department. Independent personal reading is given a significant platform throughout Key Stage 3, with every Year 7 and Year 8 lesson beginning with a period of personal reading. Teachers gain an insight into student reading habits through this regular practice and are able to offer tailored recommendations for support and for stretch and challenge when and where appropriate.
This is enhanced with dedicated library lessons every fortnight allowing access to our well-stocked library. Challenge through wider and further reading is provided within these lessons through our Challenge Table initiative which stretches students beyond their usual reading and develops their contextual awareness of the units being studied. Reading is celebrated through regular awards from the library for students who have borrowed and read the most books.
Reading is also celebrated through displays in classrooms and one-off events including World Book Day, as well as through the Departmental Instagram page.
Reading skills are assessed in the first week of Year 7 and form part of the skills assessed throughout Key Stage 3. Where a need for intervention is identified this is carried out in collaboration with teaching staff and our SENCO.
Reading aloud (oracy) skills are developed and assessed from Year 7 through our curriculum design, for example through our ‘Shakespeare Monologues’ unit.
At Key Stage 4 and 5 personal reading is encouraged through the reading of wider contextualising texts. This comes into prominence at A-level when students undertake their Non-Examined Assessment work on a free choice of two texts. At this point students are able to bring a wide and diverse range of tastes and perspectives on literature, as well as an enthusiasm and confidence for reading widely, to this piece of independent work.