Our Initial Teacher Training and Continuous Professional Development Ethos:
· From teacher training to educational leadership – nurturing and inspiring the teachers and leaders of tomorrow through excellence in personalised training and development.
· Sustain a coherent and modern CPD provision
· Ensure excellence in current roles
· Facilitate career progression
As our vision statement above indicates, Chelmsford County High School for Girls is committed to providing Initial Teacher Training (ITT) opportunities through the School Direct Programme. We work with a large group of schools and training providers to ensure that training experiences are vast and varied.
We are committed to training the teachers and school leaders of tomorrow and offer a positive and supportive training environment. All teacher training colleagues are supported by an in-school mentor and ITT coordinator. Moreover, we are proud to offer an excellent range of professional development opportunities, with our in-house Professional Studies programme informed by key elements of the Department for Education’s Core Content Framework for trainee teachers.
We currently work with the following training providers to offer Initial Teaching Training placements: · Billericay Education Consortium Teacher Training (www.billericayscitt.com) · Essex Schools ITT (www.essexschoolsitt.com) · Mid-Essex ITT (www.midessexteachertraining.com)
· The Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge (https://www.educ.cam.ac.uk/courses/pgce) For applications and further information please visit www.find-postgraduate-teacher-training.service.gov.uk and search for one of our training providers listed above. Applications can also be submitted via UCAS: http://www.ucas.com//apply/teacher-training. Details of how to apply are also listed on our training providers relevant websites.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss an opportunity to train at our school, please contact Mr Adam Selby, Assistant Headteacher: ASelby@cchs.co.uk.
Chelmsford County High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. These training places are subject to an Enhanced Criminal Record Check.