
Chelmsford County High School provides outstanding education for the most able. It combines the strengths of an academic education, with a dynamic approach in response to the demands of our rapidly evolving global world.

We believe that our students have the potential to become ‘the leaders of tomorrow’. With us, they experience numerous opportunities to acquire knowledge, qualities and skills that will ensure their success as lifelong learners, who will have a significant impact on the future, in whichever field they choose.

Throughout their time at CCHS, our students are encouraged to take on leadership roles, develop their individual talents and contribute to the local and global community. They learn to take responsibility for themselves and others, become principled, reflective and articulate, whilst developing resilience and enjoying hard work, as well as fun activities and friendly competition. We have a broad curriculum, with a wide range of subjects at all levels which is particularly well suited to highly able students who have the ambition to continue their education in the most competitive universities in the UK and abroad.

GCSE results – Summer 2024 

Celebrating our amazing Year 11 students at their “phenomenal school” (Ofsted Inspection Report, January 2024)

We send our heartfelt congratulations to our amazing Year 11 students, who have achieved outstanding GCSE examination results. This is a year group who have worked hard, supported each other, contributed to the wider life of the school, and given so much to their community. This is also the year group that had only started in Year 7 when the COVID-19 pandemic hit – we wholeheartedly salute their resilience, character and their achievements. Now is the time for celebrating with family and friends, and then getting ready for the next step with their A levels. Year 11 students are so deserving of praise and their tremendous results provide them with a great platform for their Sixth Form studies.

Students have demonstrated success and strength across the full curriculum through their GCSE studies, with 85% of grades being 9-7, 66% of grades being 9-8, and nearly 40% being grade 9. Nine subjects, covering the Arts, Humanities, Languages and STEM, see 85%+ 9-7 grades, with five subjects seeing 90%+ 9-7 grades. Indeed, 114 students in Year 11 achieved eight or more 9-7 grades, with 80 students achieving ten or more 9-7 grades. Moreover, 34 students achieved ten 9-8 grades.

The excellent pastoral, academic and enrichment support and provision provided by CCHS staff are a key part in creating the caring and ambitious environment, which empowers our students to achieve so remarkably. The fantastic support and encouragement provided by CCHS families are so important, and it is our work together as a community that means Year 11 students continue the grand story of fulfilment and accomplishment, which started back in 1907 at CCHS and continues to burn bright in 2024.

To every member of Year 11: we are very proud and so privileged to work with you, and we look forward to our next chapter with you in the Sixth Form, with all the opportunities and advantages that await you, in terms of pastoral support, academic subjects, enrichment activities and UCAS-Careers guidance.

More information about our Sixth Form, the wealth of opportunities we offer and the wonderful achievements of our students, can be found on our website: Sixth Form – Chelmsford County High School for Girls (cchs.co.uk) Additionally, our recent Ofsted inspection, with all areas of CCHS being judged “Outstanding”, provides plenty of information about life, learning and success at CCHS. I note some of the points from the Ofsted report below:

  • This school nurtures pupils’ talents brilliantly. Like the former pupils that inspire them, the girls at Chelmsford County High School for Girls are true pioneers. Explorers, innovators and creative thinkers, the pupils push the boundaries of what they can achieve at their age.
  • This school is not just about academia. Staff go above and beyond to extend pupils’ interests. The school makes full use of its links with employers and universities. Thus, pupils experience an array of exciting clubs and opportunities.
  • Pupils are thriving in this challenging and caring environment. They respond eagerly to staff’s high expectations. Behaviour is exemplary. Sixth-form students are strong role models.
  • The curriculum is carefully designed to extend and deepen pupils’ thinking.
  • Research-informed teachers have an infectious enthusiasm for their subjects.
  • The school has its own institute to promote scholarly enrichment.
  • Staff carefully consider pupils’ emotional welfare and how this influences their behaviour and learning.
  • Sixth-form students epitomise the school’s strong work on its core values of civility and compassion.
  • As many parents said, ‘it’s a phenomenal school’.

Ofsted Reports – Chelmsford County High School for Girls (cchs.co.uk)

Mr Lawlor, Headteacher.

A level results – Summer 2024

Celebrating our brilliant Year 13 students

First and foremost, we are a girls’ school. We are proud – of our heritage, our students and staff, and our place in our community. We are progressive – always looking for ways to improve, develop and move forward, to support our students.

This year saw our country’s first woman Chancellor. This year sees the first woman of colour running for the Presidency of the USA. This year saw the first Olympic Games with the same number of women athletes competing as men. And this year saw another cohort of brilliant Year 13 students receive their outstanding A level results. If you think writing about CCHS students’ work and achievements in the same vein as these national and international milestones for women is hyperbolic, UNICEF provides sobering data:

“Only 49% of countries have achieved gender parity in primary education. At the secondary level, the gap widens: 42% of countries have achieved gender parity in lower secondary education, and 24% in upper secondary education.”

Girls’ education | UNICEF

As ever, education is a human entitlement and is the silver bullet. It should be, must be, the centre of local, national and international life, always. Like the countless CCHS girls and young women who have gone before them, dating back to 1907, as school staff, we are in awe of our extraordinary Year 13 students. Their individual stories and collective narrative are an inspiration to us all. Thank you and congratulations to members of Year 13 for all they have contributed to the CCHS community and for all they have achieved. Achievement is a very personal reality, born of individual application, collective encouragement and community support. Recognition is very much a public reality, born of simple truths: respect, thankfulness and inspiration.

Year 13 students have demonstrated strength and success across the entire curriculum through their A level studies, with 85% of grades being A*-B, nearly 60% of grades being A*-A, and over a fifth of grades being A*. Eleven subjects, covering the Arts, English, Humanities, Languages, Social Sciences and STEM, have 90%+ of their grades as A*-B, with seven subjects seeing 95%+ of their grades as A*-B. Moreover, 73 students achieved three or more A*-A grades, with 36 students securing four or more A*-A grades.

We continue to be inspired by the range of courses our students choose to read at a host of universities across the country and beyond. Students are going in numbers to study Medicine, Economics and Psychology – all of these courses are increasingly competitive, with Medicine having particularly challenging entry requirements. Subjects such as Pure Sciences, Computing, Engineering, Architecture and Law continue to be popular with our students. Students will be taking up places at a wide variety of universities and we have this year seen great interest in courses offered at the leading universities in London as well as others further afield. With courses in the Arts, Business & Finance, Humanities, Languages, STEM and the Social Sciences being taken, we know our Year 13 students will enjoy their degree studies and enrich the universities they attend.

To every member of Year 13: we are utterly proud and so privileged to have worked with you, and we look forward to hearing about your adventures and accomplishments as you progress on to university, degree apprenticeships, gap years and your working lives. You are now part of a big and significant community: the CCHS Alumnae!

Alumnae – Chelmsford County High School for Girls (cchs.co.uk)

To CCHS staff and families: thank you for all your hard work, commitment, support and encouragement, which has empowered Year 13 students to achieve so wonderfully well.

Mr Lawlor, Headteacher.

More information about our Sixth Form, the opportunities we offer and the achievements of our students, can be found on our website:

Sixth Form – Chelmsford County High School for Girls (cchs.co.uk)

Year 11 GCSE and Year 13 A Level Examination Results – Chelmsford County High School for Girls (cchs.co.uk)