Italian has been flourishing at CCHS since it was introduced in 2006 as part of Language College status. We offer Italian as a GCSE course. The course provides an excellent opportunity for specialist linguists to add an extra string to their bow or for others to broaden their subject base and find out more about the language and culture of this fascinating country. Students will have the opportunity to practise their skills by visiting Italy as part of our well established exchange partnership with the Liceo Canova in Treviso, near Venice.
Course Overview
Girls learn to understand the written and spoken forms of Italian, as used by native speakers, and to communicate confidently and clearly in the foreign language. They will learn to:
- demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the intercultural elements related to the prescribed topics
- communicate clearly and effectively in a range of situations
- understand and use accurately the basic structures of the language
- understand and use an appropriate range of vocabulary
- use a register and a format that are appropriate to the situation
During the course, students are encouraged to develop a wide range of linguistic skills and a real love of the language by exploring different sources of information and text types such as magazines, newspapers and internet resources. They have the opportunity to watch films and learn about topics such as Italian food, traditional customs, architecture, art and the geography and climate of the country, all of which helps them to develop an appreciation of Italy and Italian culture. The final assessment comprises two written papers, (Paper 1 -comprehension and text handling and Paper 2- written tasks) Students also complete an individual oral and a short written assignment of 200 – 350 words, in which they draw up a comparison between one aspect of British and Italian society.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Each year the department runs a popular exchange trip with our partner school the Liceo Canova in Treviso. Students gain an invaluable experience of Italian family life, the Italian education system as well as enjoying the opportunity to visit Venice and other local towns.
Future Plans
The Italian department will maintain and develop links with our partner school in Treviso; there are also plans to introduce a lunchtime junior Italian club for students in Years 7 to 9 and a library of films for students to borrow.