Careers Provision
Careers Leader: Dr Alexander Hiner,, 01245 352592 ext. 282
UCAS Co-ordinator: Mrs. A. Hopkins,
Current Careers Provision
Visiting speakers (1-2 per half-term) speak during lunchtime sessions to year groups of appropriate ages on a range of careers.
Year 7
Students take part in the Step into the NHS competition to explore the approximately 350 careers available across that organisation. In the 2020-21 event a CCHS student became East of England winner and National Finalist. The Unifrog platform will be introduced to Year 7 during the coming year so as they can begin to explore careers.
Year 8
The Unifrog platform will be introduced to Year 8 during the coming year to help them explore some ideas of the range of careers that will be available to students.
Year 9
PSHE sessions will be utilised to introduce Unifrog allowing the students to continue to explore and develop their understanding of the world of work and to self-assess their interests, qualities and abilities.
Careers Evening (February): for students to meet representatives from companies and higher education institutions. Representatives from approximately 40 companies or sectors are involved.
GCSE Options evening (March): Students receive careers advice at this special event to ensure they continue to study the best set of subjects for them.
Physics support students to take part in the Industrial Cadets programme.
Year 10
RTP sessions extending students’ career profiling using Unifrog from November, the preparation of CVs and application letters, and skills checking with the National Careers Service.
Enrichment Day 1 (October) – Year 10 Careers Day with visiting speakers about a range of career options. Each student will be able to hear from at representatives of at least four different careers.
Visit from Chelmsford College. Staff from a local provider of T levels visit to provide information on these qualifications.
Year 11
RTP Careers/ UCAS presentation and student fair. Sessions introducing the Unifrog platform (October 2023) and UCAS website to the students so they can start to explore the wide range of courses available in higher education institutions and the A level subjects and grades required. Students find out about writing a personal statement and have further access to the National Careers Service web site.
Students receive advice at the Sixth Form Open Evening on A level subjects that will help them if they already have a career in mind or if they wish to keep their options as open as possible for the future.
Students all have the opportunity to receive a careers advice interview with an Independent Careers Advisor from Directions.
Year 12
Unifrog is being introduced in Autumn 2023 – Tutor time.
In January each year, Dr Sam Lucy (Newnham College Cambridge) speaks to students within school and the wider Chelmsford Community about access to Oxford and Cambridge.
The Careers Evening in February offers students the opportunity to meet employers and consider the various options available for further study and professional development post-school. This event is attended by around 40 employers or representatives of different sectors.
In March each year we host a talk in PSHE on Degree Apprenticeships.
In March of Year 12, we start offering An Introduction to UCAS and research, including the UCAS booklet that is created and designed specifically with our students in mind. Students work through it in RTP to help them begin their UCAS/ Careers research. Individual discussions are had with tutors.
In July Year 12 students have several further RTP lectures introducing them to the UCAS process and writing Personal Statements. They then have dedicated RTP sessions to research and apply to university.
Throughout Year 12 and Year 13, students have one-to-one advice sessions with AHO on a drop-in basis to support them.
Interview preparation for Medics/ Oxbridge.
Support for pre-interview assessments for Oxbridge from subject leaders.
UCAT and BMAT courses in school in July run by The Medic Portal for Year 12s who aspire to Medicine and Dentistry.
Students are offered the opportunity to have a personal careers interview with an independent adviser from Directions.
Students can hone their entrepreneurial skills and develop knowledge of many aspects of the world of work by participating in the Young Enterprise Competition.
Students are made aware of a range of courses, lectures, work placements and other events open to them to enhance their attractiveness to future employers and higher education institutions. Students are supported as required to apply for these and references are supplied as required.
Prospective medical, dentistry and veterinary students are encouraged and supported to undertake in-person and virtual work experience.
Science Faculty support and encourage students to undertake work experience through Arkwright/ Smallpeice, etc.
Students are accompanied on visits to events such as Women of the Future Ambassadors Receptions.
Students undertake voluntary work as their Community Service, giving many (depending on the nature of their Community Service work) real insights into the world of work and genuine encounters with employers.
A very significant proportion of students in both Years 12 and 13 have their own part time employment, often in fields related to their prospective careers.
Year 13
Students receive continued support with completing their UCAS applications and with decisions over alternative options for their future. As in Year 12 this guidance is tailored precisely to individual needs; support for students in receipt of bursary money and students with SEN needs is a particular strength of the advice offered.
The Parents’ Association offer a range of Practice Interviews to students seeking future careers in a wide range of specialist areas; these are run by parents and friends of the school.
Students are supported post A level results. Data about their destinations are collected (within the legal framework for data protection).
The impact of Careers Education and Advice
CCHS alumnae go on to pursue successful careers in a broad range of professions, including medicine, law, business, academia, diplomacy, research in all fields, the creative arts and music.
We regularly welcome back alumnae who talk to current students about their experiences after leaving school, and inspire them to consider a range of professional opportunities.
Wherever possible (within the legal framework) CCHS maintains a record of alumnae destinations to allow us to inform and advise current students.
Reviewing the provision of Careers Education and Advice
CCHS continues to works towards full compliance with the Statutory Guidance from the DfE on Careers Guidance and Access for Education and Training Providers.
CCHS welcomes provider access requests from providers of technical education, including T Levels, and will agree a mutually acceptable date, time and venue for providers to inform CCHS students in Year 8 and above about these qualifications.
The use of Unifrog as a powerful tool for Careers and UCAS help and advice has been introduced from June 2023. The use of this platform is projected to develop markedly over the next five years.
The Sixth Form Team are currently investigating and improving the provision for disadvantaged students including a greater focus on organisations such as The Sutton Trust.
Our Higher Education Adviser has recently completed a CEC funded Level 6 Careers Leader course run by the University of Warwick. Our Careers Leader is currently undertaking a CEC funded Level 6 Careers Leader course run by the Careers Development Institute. These courses take place over the year with intensive online sessions totally around 30 hours and additional study of around double this leading to an excellent understanding of the current level of careers provision in English schools.
Involvement in these courses represents a very significant allocation of staff time and resources and is testimony to the seriousness with which CCHS takes its responsibilities in this area. Our further development of Careers Education and Advice will be informed by our colleagues’ learning from these courses.