As part of our journey out of the pandemic experience, and to prepare for the next academic year, we have produced and published the CCHS Community Curriculum. The idea is to provide new and novel educational opportunities and activities to further stimulate and inspire our students. This links to our third community project (Enlightenment Fest), by looking at and living education in its broadest and most liberating terms: an enlightening experience. This project has involved:
- Teachers – providing direction and guidance on content and concepts to address for each key stage, in relation to topics which had to be delivered via remote schooling
- Students – developing last year’s Summer Sorority idea, by asking students, who are particularly strong in certain subjects, to be ‘subject sisters’ for students younger than themselves, through mentorship
- Parents – inviting parents to relate their subject passions at school to their current professions, to demonstrate the link between education and careers. If other parents want to contribute, we can update the document and republish
- Beyond – selecting inspirational academics and speakers, e.g. websites, TED Talks, etc to highlight big, bold thinking
The CCHS Community Curriculum document is meant to complement work already completed and ongoing work. I remind parents of students in Years 7, 8 and 9 that we also have our ‘Curriculum Support Booklets, under the Parents section of the website. There are other resources available in the Academic-Challenge section of the website, for parents and students who are looking for other ideas to progress particular academic interests. And, of course, we are providing specialist materials and support to our Year 11 and Year 13 students.