The School is very proud of the wide range of extra-curricular enrichment activities that are available to our students. We believe these provide an opportunity for every girl to achieve her potential as a leader of tomorrow and develop valuable life skills for the future.
In order to support our enrichment programme, we ask parents to consider making a regular donation to our School Enrichment Fund. This is used to fund a broad range of activities including:-
- House events, primarily organised by our students;
- Entry fees for sporting, debating and other competitions where students are representing the School at regional or national level;
- Annual concerts, Drama and Dance productions;
- Events held at Chelmsford Cathedral including the annual Carol Service, School Commemoration Service and our prestigious Senior Speech Day
- Junior Speech Days
- Sports Day and our annual Sports Awards Evening
- Enhancements such as improved audio and video facilities in our main Hall
- Visiting speakers as part of the CCHS Lecture series
If you are able to make a contribution to the School Enrichment Fund, please download and complete the form below.
Many thanks for your support.