
Sixth Form Induction Day

28th June 2024

We are looking forward to welcoming students to our Sixth Form Induction Day today! Sixth Form – Chelmsford County High School for Girls (

Experience of the World of Work Day

27th June 2024

All the best to our Year 10 students with their ‘Experience of the World of Work Day’ today and thank you to all the companies and organisations who are supporting us with this. Careers – Chelmsford County High School for Girls ( CCHS Aspire: University and Employment – Chelmsford County High School for Girls

New Intake Day

26th June 2024

We are looking forward to seeing our new Year 7 students for their New Intake Day today! Pastoral – Chelmsford County High School for Girls ( Academic | Girls School | Chelmsford County High School for Girls (

CCHS Athletics Team

25th June 2024

Many congratulations to our Athletics Team, who have qualified for the prestigious English Schools’ Athletic Association (ESAA) National Final next month. We are very proud of our CCHS sportswomen and thankful to the PE Department for all their wonderful work. English Schools’ Athletic Association ( English Schools’ Athletic Association (

Arkwright Engineering Scholars

25th June 2024

We are thrilled that a group of our students have been successful in their applications to become Arkwright Engineering Scholars. Many congratulations to them and thanks to the CCHS STEM Team. STEM & STEAM – Chelmsford County High School for Girls ( Arkwright Engineering Scholarships

CCHS Swimathon

24th June 2024

Congratulations to all the students and staff who participated in the CCHS Swimathon on Friday, and thank you to members of the CCHS community and beyond for all the sponsorship and support. A big thank you to the PE Department for organising and running the event. Fundraising Campaign | Chelmsford County High School (

CCHS Computer Science

21st June 2024

Many congratulations to the CCHS Computer Science Department, who have received the National Centre for Computing Education Certificate as part of the ‘I belong: encouraging girls into computer science.’ Computer Science – Chelmsford County High School for Girls ( STEM & STEAM – Chelmsford County High School for Girls (


21st June 2024

Our students are really looking forward to participating in the TEXPO Competition, taking place at Anglia Ruskin University, organised by the Chelmsford Science and Engineering Society (CSES). STEM & STEAM – Chelmsford County High School for Girls ( Chelmsford Science and Engineering Society – CSES


21st June 2024

“World Music Day takes place on 21st June each year, uniting people across the globe in celebration of the universal language of music. This annual event, also known as Fête de la Musique, originated in France in 1982 and has since grown into a worldwide phenomenon.” The Arts – Chelmsford County High School for Girls…

Year 12 – Careers and Higher Education

19th June 2024

Our Year 12 students continue to attend university Open Days as they consider the wealth of opportunities that await them after their A level studies. Thank you to Mrs Hopkins, Mrs Hiett, Dr Palmer and Dr Hiner for the expert guidance and support that is being provided. Sixth Form: A snapshot | Chelmsford County High…