Year 13 students at Chelmsford County High School for Girls are celebrating some excellent A level results, showing that they have responded well to the challenges of the new specifications. The school is particularly pleased by the fact that 34% of students received three or more A* or A grades and 11% achieved four or more of the top grades. Among them are Amie Potter. Amie is to take up a place at Gonville and Caius College in Cambridge to read Chemical Engineering. A further four students will take up places to read Engineering in other universities, showing that CCHS students are continuing to apply for courses in which women have traditionally been under-represented.
By contrast high fliers Harriet Hill, Katie Schofield and Olivia Wheeler are bucking a national trend and are among our successful students taking up university places to read languages. Indeed Katie is to read Chinese at SOAS, the first time that one of our students has opted for this subject at university. Other students have been successful across a whole range of subjects; we are particularly proud of our Music students, 60% of whom are intending to read Music at university, including Caroline Penn at St Anne’s College Oxford. As in past years many of our students are intending to read Medicine and they have again done extremely well in securing offers in a very competitive field.
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